"It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change." ~Charles Darwin~
People look at incidents and events in their lives through their own set of lenses. It is my belief that our lenses develop early in life from the temperament we are born with, interacting with our early experiences with the people and world around us – our families.
When I was 18 and a freshman at college, I walked into a classroom with 500 students. There was a rather slight professor on stage who began to unravel the horrors of the Holocaust as a method of teaching an introductory class in the field of sociology. I had no knowledge of the horrific events of the Holocaust prior to this class, and thus, the images on the screen in that room were seared into my brain forever.
This particular college experience helped shape the core seeds of my entire professional career. Whether working with cardiac patients, psychiatric patients, new mothers, or student nurses, I saw everything through the lens of a family focus and a sociological vantage point. This view persists, and I strongly believe in the nested nature of systems. Yet, for many in the business and corporate world, clear delineation and separation of services continues and is possibly at the root of many of our problems in the Health Care Arena to this day.
This particular college experience helped shape the core seeds of my entire professional career. Whether working with cardiac patients, psychiatric patients, new mothers, or student nurses, I saw everything through the lens of a family focus and a sociological vantage point. This view persists, and I strongly believe in the nested nature of systems. Yet, for many in the business and corporate world, clear delineation and separation of services continues and is possibly at the root of many of our problems in the Health Care Arena to this day.
Since the early 1990s, I began capturing, via qualitative interviews of corporate benefit program practices, information that would assist employers and employees with the necessary data to make better-informed decisions about how to reach the goal of a more productive workplace in the context of a relatively balanced work/life environment.
For the last decade, I have continued to bring that sociological lens to new areas of research: Sexual Assault/Harassment, Critical Incident Measurement Tools, and finally, the creation and development of the International Employee Assistance Digital Archive.
For the last decade, I have continued to bring that sociological lens to new areas of research: Sexual Assault/Harassment, Critical Incident Measurement Tools, and finally, the creation and development of the International Employee Assistance Digital Archive.